SIS-SABIS Schooling is a basic right of every human being. It gives us the chance to learn things and develop ourselves. There are various methods for schooling, ranging from the ancient Chinese ways to the modern day homeschooling. You can learn more about the differences between homeschooling and distance education in this article.
Basic human right to receive an education
The basic human right to receive an education is a right that all individuals, regardless of age, gender or social status, should enjoy. It is one of the most important tools for achieving individual freedom, prosperity and a better life.
It is a right that requires an objective and enforceable quality standard, free and compulsory education, and universal access to it. As such, it has been enshrined in various international treaties. However, there are still millions of people around the world who lack access to education.
To improve the situation, UNESCO has undertaken an inventory of the implementation of the right to education in 195 countries. In doing so, it provides policy advice to member states and monitors the country’s progress.
Education is the most important and effective tool to promote personal and community empowerment. In addition, it is a means to lift children and adults out of poverty.
A study by the UN revealed that each year of schooling reduced the probability of infant mortality by five to 10 percent. Furthermore, a literate citizen cares more about the environment, is more tolerant of others, and strives for gender equality.
Ancient Chinese methods of education
In the history of education in China, the focus has been on Confucianism. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), Confucius began an extensive pedagogical activity. He taught all classes, from the poor to the rich. This included an emphasis on a desire for knowledge and gentlemanly behavior.

The early Chinese education system consisted of formal schools, state schools and village schools. Schools were divided into four levels: elementary, middle, upper and specialized. Tutors were paid and taught small groups of privileged boys. Tutors were usually educated locals.
When the Shang Dynasty was formed, a new type of official school appeared. Xu were schooling institutions in the west and east of the capital. They recruited children from the nobility and ordinary citizens. These schools later became the ancestors of colleges and universities.
Another important educational institution in ancient China was the Imperial College. Its main goal was to prepare students for important government positions. However, it was also designed to keep the integrity of Chinese culture.
Homeschooling vs. distance education
Homeschooling is a practice in which the parent or caregiver decides not to send the child to school. It is a flexible option, as the child can still learn at their own pace. The parent or caregiver is responsible for the curriculum.
In addition to providing a more personalized learning experience, it also allows the parents to set their own schedules. This enables the parent to attend to other important responsibilities without being pulled away from the classroom.
Homeschooling is a great way to boost a child’s independence. For example, children who are recovering from a trauma will benefit from this type of education. Some families will combine homeschooling with distance learning.
The best part about this type of education is that it provides the child with a unique and rewarding learning experience. There are a variety of reasons why parents choose to homeschool, including financial concerns, time constraints, or the desire to avoid public school stigma.
Homeschooling started in the 1970s
Homeschooling is an educational process that involves a child being taught at home instead of at school. It is usually supervised by a parent.
The modern homeschool movement was founded in the 1970s. It grew during the 1980s, when more states passed laws to legalize it. These laws created a variety of different regulations.
The early homeschoolers met with local school boards, submitted home education plans, and received legal aid. Some of the groups were religious, while others were more conservative evangelical. Eventually, both religious and secular groups worked together to form national organizations.
During the 1980s, a series of new leaders began to emerge. Several of these individuals formed radical social visions.
Michael Farris was one of these individuals. He helped homeschoolers receive legal protection, and he was an influential force in the homeschool movement. His legal defense association, the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), was founded in 1983.
Raymond Moore was another individual involved in the homeschooling movement. In 1981, Moore published the popular book Home Grown Kids.